
One of the most valuable features of My Bill Tracker is the reminders. With this feature you can create reminders that will be sent via email message, SMS message or both. The idea is to prevent you from missing a payment because you forgot it was due. Keep in mind that this feature is not hard tied to creditors or payments. The purpose is to make it more flexible. For instance you can create a reminder for a creditor where the payment is due on the 6th so you then set the reminder to notify you on the 4th that the payment is due soon.
Get bill payment reminders
The message of the reminder will inform you of the creditor, what its due date is and the late fee you will be charged if you miss the payment. You should notice that when you create a monthly reminder the summary grid will show what day the reminder will be sent. This value is pulled from the start date field. If you create a weekly reminder then the grid will show you the weekday the reminder will be sent. You will notice that the fields will adjust based on your selections.

Reminder Attributes

  • Creditor: The list of creditors that you can create reminders for.
  • Start Date: When the reminders should start being sent.
  • End Date: When the reminder should stop being sent.
  • Frequency: How often should the reminders be sent.
  • Week Day: What day of the week for weekly reminders should the reminder be sent on.
  • Duration: How long should the application continue to send you the reminders.